A school for abandoned youth
The pedagogical program of Belvárosi Tanoda Secondary School

by Edit Győrik

This program was written in 1998; it was modified in January, 2002, according to new needs and circumstances.
In the first chapter we find some words by the students of Belvárosi Tanoda Secondary School. They speak about the differences between this school and the schools they attended before. They tell they feel in safe at this school because of its genuine atmosphere, where the staff pays attention to each student as individual, where the support and whish to help decide the attitude of the teachers.
The next chapter deals with the genesis of the Tanoda, its values and its results, the frames of its work.
Later we can read about the students, as main users of the "services" of the school: they mostly are marginalized young people, fighting with different life troubles, such as, among others, the lack of self-knowledge and self-confidence, the lack of safe relations with adults, the lack of perspectives, the eager need of help and love, the loneliness and in many cases the addiction.
In the next part there is a detailed description of the structure, method and ways of operation of the school: the work with pairs (case management), the learning program worked out according to the needs of the student, the contract system, the principal rules of the school and the structure of the subjects.

The forms of education in the Belvárosi Tanoda Secondary School are subjects of changes, according to the changing needs of youth; now there is the so called Complex Department, where the education takes place in the regular daily or in corresponding system, and the Station Education program, which is specialized mainly for education of drug-addicts, just recovered addicts and young people with criminal guidance, that is, for more serious cases.

Beside the forms of education there are other forms of care: the Tanoda Club and the Tanoda Duty. There is close connection between the different forms of care; the teacher-helpers strive to create a good relation with parents as well.
The whole system the Belvárosi Tanoda Foundation can be characterized by staff-work. This is even the way of leading the Foundation and its different sub-systems.
The Belvárosi Tanoda Secondary School has wide range of outside contacts; among others the Ministry of Education, the local authorities of Budapest, the Soros Foundation, the Alternative Pedagogical Workshop, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Lao Amici Foundation and some high schools and universities must be mentioned are collaborative partners.

As an after-word, it is restated, that deviancy - according to understanding based on personal experiences of the Tanoda - can be successfully treated in the framework of helping attitude, with specially trained professionals, in person-centered way, reacting all the symptoms of deviancy at one place, at the place, where it appears.