Phare Lien Programme
13th Jan., 2000 - 13th Jan., 2002 |
Improving regional capacity in connection
with addiction treatment and endangered youth |
"Belvárosi Tanoda" Foundation
Leo Amici Foundation
Podané Ruce
Clinique de La Chesnaie |
Budapest, Hungary
Komló, Hungary
Brno, Czech Republic
Paris, France
Chailles, France |
program attempted to gather and through the education of professionals,
teachers, helpers and young volunteers develop the methods
of treatment of endangered and/or addicts youth in Hungary
and in Czech Republic, with the help of two French partners.
We have organized method exchange programs, we have operated
therapeutical workshops, we have developed our institutes
and we have made some professional-methodological materials
as resume of West European and successful East European experiences.
As a special task, we expansively circulated our methods;
we have spoken about our methods in a wide public, we thought
very important to create a net of collaborating civilian and
governmental organizations, especially in Hungary. The concerning
materials are available for teachers and social workers, for
NGO-s, dealing with endangered youth and/or addicts young
people, and for the wide range of other youth organizations
as well. The informal net built between there organizations
will provide the continuous collaboration and development. |
primary aim of the program was support the re-integration
of marginalized groups - especially drug addicts and deviant
youth into the society and to promote the possibilities of
prevention of marginalization. |
the last years in Hungary there is a growing attention to
this problem, so the NGO-s mentioned above are growing too;
they are more and more accepted, they have more and more
success in rehabilitations, treatment, prevention and the
education. This program has had great effects on the development
of drug-prevention activity all over Hungary. The "Belvárosi
Tanoda" Foundation was regularly engaged in prevention
work in schools in different parts of the country. In this
prevention work we used the means, methods and experiences
of theatre- and art-therapy, too. We successfully transmitted
the view, that the pedagogues have the key role in prevention
and treatment of deviancy problem. |
The main activity fields and event of the program were: |
Workshops, working regularly at "Belvárosi Tanoda"
Foundation: |
Theatre-Station Group - theatre-therapy (2
/week, 8-12 persons/occasion)
Group therapy - Tanoda Club (2 /week, 15-25 ps/occ.)
Case discussion (4 /week, 8-10 ps/occ.)
Parents' Group (2 /month, 6-8 ps/occ.)
Art Therapy (2 /week, 10-12 ps/occ.)
Abstinence-maintaining Group (1 /week, 8-15 ps/occ.)
Self-help Group for Helpers (1/month, 6-9 ps/occ.) |
Leo Amici-BTA method exchange, since April,
2000, continuous, 3 days/month, 15-21 ps/occ.)
Leo Amici-BTA-Podane Ruce method exchange (4 occasions, 17
days, 98 participants) |
· drug prevention
· after-care
· harm reduction
· prison-work
· organization-development |
La Chesnaie-BTA-Leo Amici method exchange (2
occasions, 20 days, 30 participants)
Theatre therapy trainings: |
· led by ATRAAL Theatre Therapy Association
at BTA (1 time, 7 days, 12 participants)
· led by ATRAAL Theatre Therapy Association at Leo Amici (3
times, 53 days, 15-20 participants/occ.)
· led by ATRAAL Theatre Therapy Association at Podane Ruce
(2 times, 14 days, 12 participant)
· led by Theatre Station at La Chesnaie (1 time, 11 days,
30 participants) |
Psychotherapeutic training at La Chesnaie (2
times, 3 months, 3 participants from BTA)
Method exchange program, BTA-La Chesnaie-Leo Amici, at Budapest
and Komló (1 time, 9 days, 18 participants) |
Network, the transmitting the program and method all
over Hungary |
Station Evenings (1 time/month, 60-120 ps/occ.)
discussions on drug prevention for teachers and youth, all
over Hungary (3-4 times/month, 20-50 ps/occ.)
Consultations for professionals, taking part in conferences,
meetings in our own organization (2 times /month, 15-250 ps/occ.)
Program and methods demonstrations for professionals from
abroad (10 times)
continuous acceptance of interested professionals during the
whole program
organization of 6 professional meetings for Hungarian NGO-s
The program and its result was demonstrated on conferences
listed below: |
IV. Conference on Mentalhigiene and Drugs,
Salgótarján, 120 ps.
International Theatre Therapeutical Meeting, Mosónmagyaróvár,
300 ps.
European Protestant Hungarian Free University, Tata, 120 ps.
Day of Addictions, 2000, 2001, Budapest, 1000 ps.
Students' Olympics 2000, Budapest, 2000 ps.
Campaign against Addiction, Budapest, 1000 ps.
National Youth Meeting, Kecskemét, 200 ps.
Chances and Dangers Conference, Budapest, 600 ps.
Alarm-bell - Possibilities of teachers in drug prevention,
Conference and Methods Fair, Budapest, 800 ps.
Conference on Theatre Therapy, Reims
International Festival of Movement Theatres, Budapest, 100
Conference on Deviancy, Budapest, 50 ps. |
Documentation - Phare-Lien Publication |
Education, rehabilitation and community program for
helping deviant and addicted young people |
Győrik, Edit: A deviant secondary school |
· The professional, pedagological program and
activity of Belvárosi Tanoda Secondary School |
Győrik, Edit: "The brain and heart
of Tanoda: the staff" |
Teamwork as a method of leading the institute
at Tanoda |
Győrik, Edit: The approach and treatment
of drug problems at Belvárosi Tanoda Győrik, Edit -
Solymosy József: The organization and operation of learning
groups in a person-centered system Csáki, Anikó:
The functioning of Tanoda according to interviews with students
Csáki, Anikó: Life-path interviews I-IV. Bősze,
Szilvia - Győrik, Edit: The leaving-examination as a turning
point in life Kiss, B.Katalin: Problems of deviancy
at Tanoda - according to collected data Mészáros,
Mercedesz: Re-socialization and support of learning of
young people in prison Mészáros, Mercedesz: Case
studies |
II. Transmission of Tanoda Method |
Győrik, Edit-Solymosy, József: Three-year
Study plan of Belvárosi Tanoda for professional helpers on
problem of deviancy Győrik, Edit: Course on deviancy
- plan for teachers and professional helpers |
III. . Development of institutional capacity and treatment
of addicts |
Győrik, Edit: The development program
and experiences of treatment addicted people - the planned
program of Station Group Olaszy, Csaba: A new form
of treatment of drug addicts - the methods and activities
of Tanoda's Stop Group Dr. Kelemen, Gábor, Mihaldinecz,
Csaba & Miagradovics, Vince: The architecture of the
therapy and its methods at Leo Amici Foundation |
The master of the game - video on Georges Baal's
Show me a good men! (Lautréamont) - video on Georges
Baal's work Baal, Georges: Theatre therapy with addicts;
from the drug user to the theatre
Theatre Station - video documentation on theatre therapy with
deviant and/or addicted young people (workshops and performances) |
Music Therapy with addicts - cassette
demonstrating the method of Leo Amici Foundation
Program - photo documentation
112 hours video-documentation, made during the whole program*
52 interviews, made with beneficiaries (28) and the members
of the target group (24)* - they
were analyzed in the study made by Anikó Csáki: The functioning
of Tanoda …
CD, which carries most of the methodological writings of Belvárosi
Tanoda Foundation (listed above), illustrated with photos,
and gives a brief description about the activity of partner
organizations; the methodological writings recently are available
only in Hungarian. *
the video documentation and all the inteviews can be found
in Tanoda'archivum |